
Classes Begin June 13th
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“Based on a government study, of every 100 people at age 65, one is rich, four are comfortable, five are still working, 56 need government or family support, and the rest are dead.” – Rich Kid, Smart Kid

Education is the best tool you can give your child. Why not provide them with a financial education as well? A high Financial IQ will put your child on the path to financial independence.

Financial intelligence is not about how much money you make. It’s about how much money you keep and how hard that money works for you.   

If you don’t teach your child how to manage money, somebody else will. That’s not a risk you want to take! “It’s never too early,” says Warren Buffet. “Whether it’s teaching kids the value of a dollar, the difference between needs and wants or the value of saving — these are all concepts that kids encounter at a very early age, so it’s best to help them to understand it.” And that’s the goal of our classes.

"Alejandro loved the class. He is getting tired of zoom and sometimes he forgets his school meetings and I have to remind him everyday. For your class I didn’t have to do anything.  I was at work so don’t really know how were the clases but he was really excited. He says that now he knows how to manage his money and I can tell that he learn new vocabulary,  that even my older nephews don’t know yet."


Fantastic class for kids! It was a great and meaningful time for my kid, Ines. Before the financial literacy class, Ines didn't have any concept of money. She got poket money from relatives but she didn't have a plan to use money. She just put money into her wallet. Of course, she knew the basic thing like paying money when she buy something at the store. But she always asked me to buy toys or food. After the class, she

Jiyean Lee,
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